Rotary Cancure Dialysis Centre

The growing number of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) due to life style changes and high incidence of diabetic and hypertension patients among the people of Kerala prompted the Foundation for entering into the forays of treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Those poor patients suffering from renal failure need lifelong dialysis unless he/she can get successful renal transplant. Depending on each patient's condition the patient may need to undergo dialysis two to three times a week. Most of the Government facilities where dialysis services are provided have long waiting period with many patients and lessor number of dialysis machines.

The cost of lifelong dialysis, investigations and medicines are not affordable to a poor patient who has to live their whole life with the disease. This thought lead Cancure to conceive a dialysis centre for the poor and needy at affordable rates or even at no cost. This Dialysis Centre was initiated in Association with Rotary Foundation and the Rotary Club of Cochin Technopolis. Dialysis Centre is constructed in the ground floor of our Santhwanakendram with 8 Dialysis Units. Medical and technical support for the Dialysis Centre are provided by Lourdes Hospital, Ernakulam.